[FS] Events [Paid] [Deleted]

There is no option to replace Google Maps. You can upload files to the event or link to external files in the description to create a "cover image".
Event Images have been suggested. You can accomplish it now via custom CSS.

I am very interested in this add-on as it would really benefit our community.
Also as quoted, I am keen on being able to add images instead of Google maps. A cover image is perfect if no map listing is available..
You can upload images and use BB Code throughout the description, which appears before the map...
Fantastic, this will be on our list of add-ons quite soon.
Will have some fun migrating but will be worth it!
Thanks for the tip. :)
Nice Add-on :D

Is there an easy way to un-associate a thread after having associated it? It couldn't find a way to do so. (except deleting the thread_id in the db)

I want this add-on. Any idea as to when the production version will be released?

Even though its an Release Candidate, it works fine.

If I install it now and then when the production version comes out will I be able to just run that as an upgrade in the upgrade install mode without crashing my board?
Just wondering is there a way to list events without forcing users to have to input times?
Reason I am asking is because on mobile, even though responsive all you see is the beginning of the start time?
So say an even is starting at 22:30 - you see the 22:30. (or 10) as opposed to 'Event ABC XYZ' and finally are you planning on adjusting how the view is on mobiles, so users can see what the events are? It's actually quite tricky and even more so when several events on one date.

I will also say that for £16 - this is a steal...
I didn't realise until installing, just how feature rich this is! Honestly, if you need an events calendar this is the boy!
£16 / 25 USD is nothing to what you get with this add-on in all fairness.
Highly recommended....
Mobile will likely be improved, yes.

And no, times are a required element (leaving off an end time is an all day event,)
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