Friend Inviter [Paid] [Deleted]

Server Error

Undefined index: access_token
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in FriendInviter/ControllerPublic/FriendInviter.php at line 74
  2. FriendInviter_ControllerPublic_FriendInviter->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/user/public_html/index.php at line 17

I searched the thread and I'm the only one with this error. When I remove all my services consumer keys, secret, uncheck the facebook integration and uncheck enable email invites, I still get that error. Disabling for now.
I know you're busy with things right now, but I would guess that there was some sort of mistake with the app ID or secret.

It's basically saying it can't find an access token for Facebook and the only reason for that usually is incorrect app ID and secret.

Hit me up when things are back to normal and we'll get it sorted.
Hello on our site the twitter invitation is not working the following error is displayed:
Server Error

Undefined variable: twitterLogin
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in FriendInviter/ControllerPublic/FriendInviter.php at line 642
  2. FriendInviter_ControllerPublic_FriendInviter->actionTwitter() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/carpedie/public_html/community/index.php at line 13
You can reproduce it here:
Thanks for your support.
I know you're busy with things right now, but I would guess that there was some sort of mistake with the app ID or secret.

It's basically saying it can't find an access token for Facebook and the only reason for that usually is incorrect app ID and secret.

Hit me up when things are back to normal and we'll get it sorted.
Can we check today?
A bug to report (or just a suggested improvement).

If you have a lot of friends on Facebook, the system it will crash the page. I have 3,200 friends and when I tried this system it crashes. I think a fix might be to default the system at one of the letters like A instead of defaulting to ALL. Trying to pull so many friends has been crashing Chrome.
I have a suggested improvement: Have less friends :p (joking)

I will consider this, but actually it's a pretty big rewrite thing. ALL records are displayed on a page. There's no real pagination. So even if it defaulted to A, it would still be loading (and hiding) the other letters.

Seems like in the future there might need to be a real way of handling pagination.
I know! What Chrome does is ask me to close or wait. After hitting wait a few times it does eventually work. So, what I've done is warn my members to expect a delay if you have more than 1,000 friends!
I have 3,200 friends
I have a suggested improvement: Have less friends :p (joking)

Jokes aside, and not directly related to this add-on, but how does one have 3,200 friends and them actually be real friends? You cannot conceivably be engaging with everyone of these people, and know them well enough to seriously consider them friends (definition: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.)?
Jokes aside, and not directly related to this add-on, but how does one have 3,200 friends and them actually be real friends? You cannot conceivably be engaging with everyone of these people, and know them well enough to seriously consider them friends (definition: A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.)?

I run the most popular sports card forum ( on the web. We get close to 1 million unique visitors a year. Way too many of my members added me as a friend. I really only have about 150 of them showing up on my news feed.
Does this add-on have a way to track how many people a member had invited that signed up? If not could this feature be added? I would like to have a contest for referring members but I need a way to track it.

Does this add-on have a way to track how many people a member had invited that signed up? If not could this feature be added? I would like to have a contest for referring members but I need a way to track it.

That is actually a great that way you can see who was referred by whom.
There's no way of accurately measuring people who are invited by Facebook or Twitter.

This because their APIs do not feed that data back.

For example, you load your Facebook contacts, and you click on the Invite button next to "John Smith". As well as sending a message to John Smith, you also type Joe Bloggs' name in the "To" field. You click send. John and Joe get messages. Friend Inviter knows you have finished inviting people, but it doesn't know who.

Friend Inviter could hazard a guess that you have invited John Smith, because you clicked the Invite button against his name, but it would have no idea if you actually did so or whether you invited anyone else.

This is down to the API.

The Twitter method is basically the same problem.

Google and Yahoo does track who has invited who, so there's a possibility there but ultimately it's a little bit too inconsistent and unfair for it to be used as any sort of metric.
I am able to see all my contacts from facebook. But when I click Invite for one of them, I see a message from facebook saying "An error occurred. Please try again later.".

Do you know what the problem is?

Friend Inviter is working fine with all the others (twitter, google, yahoo, email).
I'm asking you for your forum's web address. Your own URL... the address you go to to access your forum.

That way I can go to your forum, register, and try it out myself :)
Hey Chris can we track who invited who ? Like referral system ?


There's no way of accurately measuring people who are invited by Facebook or Twitter.

This because their APIs do not feed that data back.

For example, you load your Facebook contacts, and you click on the Invite button next to "John Smith". As well as sending a message to John Smith, you also type Joe Bloggs' name in the "To" field. You click send. John and Joe get messages. Friend Inviter knows you have finished inviting people, but it doesn't know who.

Friend Inviter could hazard a guess that you have invited John Smith, because you clicked the Invite button against his name, but it would have no idea if you actually did so or whether you invited anyone else.

This is down to the API.

The Twitter method is basically the same problem.

Google and Yahoo does track who has invited who, so there's a possibility there but ultimately it's a little bit too inconsistent and unfair for it to be used as any sort of metric.
I get this error for yahoo:

Server Error

Undefined index: contact
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in FriendInviter/Helper/Yahoo.php at line 237
  2. FriendInviter_Helper_Yahoo::parseYahooContacts() in FriendInviter/ControllerPublic/FriendInviter.php at line 387
  3. FriendInviter_ControllerPublic_FriendInviter->actionYahoo() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/webmacho/public_html/ at line 13
You probably have no contacts in Yahoo.

This is an outstanding bug which should be fixed in the next version.
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