Free VaultWiki and MediaWiki Import


Well-known member
UPDATE: This free offer expired on November 25, 2014

VaultWiki is a commercial wiki add-on for XenForo. For those already using MediaWiki and who have been unable to try VaultWiki yet, the wait is nearly over.

VaultWiki Team ( is currently offering the following for FREE:
- a license for VaultWiki 4.x
- your first 1 month of updates for VaultWiki
- professional Import Service from an existing MediaWiki installation

This offer is provided in an effort to debug the MediaWiki importer against real wiki data.

The following restrictions apply:
- You must not have a VaultWiki license yet
- This offer expires when the current version of VaultWiki increases (currently 4.0.0 RC 4)

I will update this thread once the offer expires.

To redeem the offer, create an account over at and PM me (pegasus) indicating you want to participate.
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Apologies for the late reply. To avoid any future confusion: this free offer expired on November 25, 2014
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