XF 1.5 Forums Problem


Active member
Yesterday my old server was formatted, so the host moved from GENTOO OS to CentOS 7, in the move we went from PHP 5.x to PHP 7.3.

Lots of hicups but we got the site back online and now everything is running except for one thing that is strange...

In my forum list if the user clicks on any of the forums, sometimes they load, and sometimes they dont (they just spin and spin)

I can't understand why some load fine and others don't when they are all just regular forum links like the ones that work.

You can see this happening at https://www.satelliteguys.us

This one has me pulling out my head.
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That only applies to ticket support.

Community based support is still available from those who wish to provide it.

However, no issues here - every forum loaded without a problem, so it could be an issue local to those users.
Yeah there is something wrong...

I notice if I click on the forum which has subforms listed under it, I can't get into that forum. But I can click on the subforms under the main forum and get into them fine.

For the ones I can't get into eventually I get the 502 error.

Not sure why the main forums are trouble, yet I can get into the sub forums fine.

The 502 Bad Gateway error indicates that a server has received an invalid response (or a response it can’t understand) from another server.

In this KB, we will discuss the four most common causes behind 502 error and what you can do in each situation. This KB will cover:
  • Server overload
  • PHP request timeout
  • Service failure
  • Plugin or theme conflict
Yes... like I said... if you click on one of the main forums, it does this. (and times out)..

But if you click on a subform under that main forum it comes up fine.

What is the difference between a main forum and a sub forum? The sub forum does not time out.
I get that error just trying to access your site at all. Nothing to do with main forums or subforums. Your site just times out. And I'm on a very fast cable connection via desktop.

It's not unusual for hosts to blame the software (vice versa in the case of vBulletin).

Try disabling all your addons and access the forum using the default XF style instead of any custom styles you may have installed. If you still have the same issues, my bet would be on a server issue.
Well now it's loading for me, main site, main forums, and subforums. To me, that's another indication these are server issues, not Xenforo issues.

What type of hosting is this? Shared? VPS? Dedicated?

What resources are available on your hosting plan?
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