Forum Time?

It would by a simple setting that makes an admin's job a little easier. If you wouldn't use it that's fine, but many would for its' convenience.
And MY point is... just as @beerForo pointed out.. in some locales twice a year you have to remember to change your settings... how is that any different than changing from 0500 Central time to 0500 GMT. You have to remember to change EITHER ONE when going from daylight savings time to standard time.
I think the point is... it hurts the brains of some to have to convert from GMT/UTC to their local time zone.. it's not really THAT hard to remember. Here in Texas, CST is -6 behind DST is -5 behind. Simple mathematics that most learned in first grade of school. Hardest thing, as I said, is remembering what time zone you are in and whether DST/CST.
I guess I'm lucky that most of my users are intelligent enough to figure out UTC/GMT versus their local time zone since they are involved in astronomy....
And MY point is... just as @beerForo pointed out.. in some locales twice a year you have to remember to change your settings... how is that any different than changing from 0500 Central time to 0500 GMT. You have to remember to change EITHER ONE when going from daylight savings time to standard time.
I think the point is... it hurts the brains of some to have to convert from GMT/UTC to their local time zone.. it's not really THAT hard to remember. Here in Texas, CST is -6 behind DST is -5 behind. Simple mathematics that most learned in first grade of school. Hardest thing, as I said, is remembering what time zone you are in and whether DST/CST.
I guess I'm lucky that most of my users are intelligent enough to figure out UTC/GMT versus their local time zone since they are involved in astronomy....

As I said "It would be easy for XenForo to just add a CRON Time setting with a DST option." - there would be no remembering twice a year changes you would just select whether your site's cron time follows DST or not in the setting and it will automatically adjust for you.

As for hurting your brain, it would hurt a lot less if you only had on admin cron time setting to setup when initially installing XenForo than to try and figure out how to maintain it accurately as it currently sits with no setting.

This has nothing to do with how easy it is to figure out your timezone offset. We are all admins and likely made it through elementary school.

This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with what any user sees or their intelligence. This is about cron time not the forum time. The forum time is adjustable be a setting currently, the cron time is not. The cron time is not in anyway associated with the forum time, it is currently hardcoded to GMT. the original poster did not understand this and that is why this discussion is about cron time and NOT forum time.
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