Forum and thread types URL

Ooooohhhhhh........ /polls /articles /questions and so on, yes please! 👍

Then we'd just need an enterprising dev' to allow feed selections by type.... :D
Ooooohhhhhh........ /polls /articles /questions and so on, yes please! 👍

Then we'd just need an enterprising dev' to allow feed selections by type.... :D
It just makes so much sense to give them their own routes. The content type is an article, right? So why not have URL as /article/ and so on.
I think I would be happy just keeping it thread. It's still a thread, the type of thread = discussion, poll, article. And converting it to a different type would then change the URL if it was not thread. I'm happy keeping as-is.
I think I would be happy just keeping it thread. It's still a thread, the type of thread = discussion, poll, article. And converting it to a different type would then change the URL if it was not thread. I'm happy keeping as-is.
It can be kept as is but have this as an option too for those who want it. Not everyone is going to want a feature to be added, but there are some who do. I'm hoping majority feel this suggestion can benefit those.
Not everyone is going to want a feature to be added, but there are some who do.
I know how suggestions work :ROFLMAO: but suggestions shouldn't only be one sided. Maybe they read mine, and make it an option only instead of changing hardcode. ;) All opinions matter with suggestions, yay and nay.
I'm not convinced by this.

They're still threads, regardless of the actual format.
If you change a thread with a poll to the /polls/ route then that implies it's just a poll, but it will likely have a (long) discussion attached to it, as with a regular thread.

It almost needs a sub route or something to denote the content type and then the format/specific type, e.g. threads/article/, threads/poll/ but that doesn't seem like a particularly good implementation either.
They're still threads, regardless of the actual format.
In the DB strict sense, yes because that is foundation on which it is built, but really it's now an article with a related discussion, a poll with a related discussion, a 'best answer' request with a related discussion, and so on. Instead of creating a bunch of new 'type' tables and having admins start off with blank content this implementation allows existing sites with years of data in the threads/posts tables to instantly turn that content into articles* or other types without any hassle and help makes it a tiny bit future-proof in that new types going forward can be added instead of new per-type tables.

If the expectation is that going forward devs will be expected to take advantage of the new types then I'd be sure willing to bet that if they create a type called "Widgets" then they'd prefer having their URL to be /widgets instead of /threads, /events instead of /threads, /MyRaceSlips instead of /threads, or whatever else a person comes up with.

If the devs make it an opt-in option then those that prefer the routes to be type based will be happy while those who don't would not even have to think about it and their /threads URLs will continue on BAU. Everybody wins. 👍

* = I'm wondering if the guys have looked at changing the schema tags based on the type so that articles have different tags versus a standard "thread" and so on. 🤔
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