Implemented Fix Web Vitals (CLS, LCP, TTI) to improve SEO and performance.


Well-known member
Google believes that the Core Web Vitals are critical to all web experiences.

Please see this report:
You can run this for yourself here:
I used this xenforo URL to test:

Google has added Web Vitals as signals to their search console. A lot of webmasters seem to have a lot of poor or bad ranking pages for the following web vitals metrics:
Largest Contentful Paint
Cumulative Layout Shift
More information on these metrics here:

This often concerns threads and media.
Time to interactive and speed index also seem to be an issue.
Please look into this to improve our site performances.

Everyone can look up your Google Search Console Report here:
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Upvote 84
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
That may be a theme issue in your site or your ads. The CLS for this site seems fine.
I am using the default theme with Xenforo (just changed some colors). Also only using Google Auto Ads.

How do you know if is fine for this site? You can only see the report in Google webmaster tools.

The other part of my site has wordpress and Google Auto Ads. No issues.

Based on my site, this is not a Xenforo template or ads issue. It is a Xenforo issue.
I am using the default theme with Xenforo (just changed some colors). Also only using Google Auto Ads.

How do you know if is fine for this site? You can only see the report in Google webmaster tools.

The other part of my site has wordpress and Google Auto Ads. No issues.

Based on my site, this is not a Xenforo template or ads issue. It is a Xenforo issue.
You can also check using Lighthouse in Chrome or the PageSpeed tool

Does seem fine. Do you have signatures viewable to guests? Images in signatures can impact the CLS score.
I have signatures viewable to guests but no images are allowed in signatures. Thanks for the pagespeed links.

Ran it for Xenforo and my site. Looks like Xenforo barely passes with a score of 52 but it does better than my site. Note that I run google ads and Xenforo does not so that may explain some of the difference.


While my site does better on FCP and LCP, it falls flat on FID and especially CLS.
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I have signatures viewable to guests but no images are allowed in signatures. Thanks for the pagespeed links.

Ran it for Xenforo and my site. Looks like Xenforo barely passes with a score of 52 but it does better than my site. Note that I run google ads and Xenforo does not so that may explain some of the difference.

View attachment 237341

While my site does better on FCP and LCP, it falls flat on FID and especially CLS.
View attachment 237343

You can fix that easy and get better score:

I'd recommend taking discussion about a specific site to a dedicated thread. This is a general suggestion.
Sorry for derailing the thread but thanks for all the suggestions. Will look into them.

That being said there appears to be room for improvement on the Xenforo side for Core Web Vitals.
I voted up. I would love to see improvements in terms of SEO and speed in the next versions. We've requested enough. It will make a lot of forum owners happy that XenForo is focusing on the important stuff.
I got a 19 for performance and an 86 for best practices. The other I scored over 90. The performance is all related to images.

Core Web Vitals & PageSpeed Insights is completely random for me every time I look at it.

This is my mobile Core Web Vitals (I have made no changes in this time period), all URLs went from Poor to Good, makes no sense to me.
Page Experience:

Mobile Usability:

Looks gucci right?

Now look at Page Speed Insights:

Bizarre to me that Page Speed Insight score is the polar opposite of the other metrics

I'm using XF 2.1 on centminmod with a 80$ VPS, UI.X 2 & 30+ addons. Will be interesting to see what happens when I upgrade to 2.2

Regardless of this, I think the the benefit of an increased page speed insight score would have huge implications in the realm of SEO and is of great importance to me.

A related fix is coming:
Google has added Web Vitals as signals to their search console. A lot of webmasters seem to have a lot of poor or bad ranking pages for the following web vitals metrics:
Largest Contentful Paint
Cumulative Layout Shift

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) appears to be a big issue in XF 2.2 for Mobile devices, considerably dragging down web vitals scoring ...

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 12.52.29.png

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 12.55.35.png

What changed for March? My site upgraded from XF 1.5 to XF 2.2 !
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