Lack of interest Fix the reply and multiquote buttons

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Black Tiger

Well-known member
I was wondering why users often used full quotes, which in fact is not done.
Now I discovered why that is.

Xenforo is using bad english for the buttons. The "reply" button is in fact the "quote" button for the full post.
But reply means "answer" and not "quote", so no wonder this generates misunderstandings.

Probably this is done because of the +quote button next to it, so you don't get +quote and quote next to each other. But it's bad English.
Further more this is also inconsistent with the "post reply" button in the quickreply window, which like it should, indeed sends the written reply.

So my suggestion is to by default (I know I can probably do it in the language files) change this text to Quote or Quotereply so it's clear this is not a simple reply but a "quote full post" option.
And for example change the +quote to +mquote (for multi quote).

Or remove it fully, because the multiquote button in fact does the same.

Reply is not quote.
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As far as I know it only changes the word "reply" in the button under the discussion and also in the popup which you get when you select a piece of text to quote. At this moment, if you select some line of text to quote, the popup will show:
+Quote | Reply
if you change the word Reply in the language file, then also this word Reply will change.
And ofcourse the Reply button in conversations. Same for Quote if you change that one.

I'm not aware of any other places this is used. As far as known to me, other places use the other phrases with "reply" in them where necessary.
Which is why you only need to change where it says "reply" by itself, and no other phrases with "reply" in them.

If you're worry about things, you can also export the language, rename it to for example english-custom and import that again under the English language. Then disable original language.
Then in that file you can make your own chances while the original language file remains intact. You can see the docs about that or ask over in the support forum, otherwise we're going to get too much off-topic here.
Thanks again for the instruction, Black Tiger. I sometimes lose track of what forum I'm in here, as well as a lot of other things at my age.
Thank you. I did not catch or understand the references to "language files" in the prior posts. I can see the words "reply" and "quote" in the list of Phrases, which I never looked at before. What's still not clear to me is if I change the Phrase Text for one of these words -- say, "reply" -- whether that changes the word "reply" in text places other than just the button under discussion.
Theoretically that is possible, I tend to do these things with some trial and error but a template search would hopefully bring any other templates using a specific phrase.
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