XF 1.5 first "update"...questions from a nublet!


Active member
So its come time to finally upgrade our xen installation (1.5.11) to the most recent 1.5 version (not quite ready to go to 2.0 yet...this will be a good test).

my main question is how do I check or at least prepare for what might be different after we update? we made a TON of changes to customize the look of the site when it was installed originally last year, and to be honest...id hate to have to go back and do all that again. I know a good % of the changes were all done using the extra.css template, and im guessing those stay regardless?

is upgrading to the latest version fairly safe for appearance customizations on the site? is there a way to check prior to the upgrade exactly what might get borked and have to be re-added? or am I just overthinking this and applying the update to .16 is a no brainer?

sorry, i spent the last 20min scrolling thru the forum looking for another similar thread, but the upgrade to 2.0 seems to be the most common topic at the moment!

thanks in advance!
I would recommend make a backup before you do the upgrade just to be on the safe side as far as I'm aware all customizations should still work as upgrsding to the same base version isnt a major upgrade you might want to clone your site to a test board try the upgrade there and see if any of your changes are gone
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Upgrading helps get rid of any bugs you might be experiencing on your forum.
Best to do an back up from your host so that they can help you with restoring just in case it doesn't work.
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plan on tackling this next weekend...dont have any bugs or errors on the current version so we are happy there!

we do a server backup every night, so no real issue there (although restoring the site would suck..im hoping thats only necessary for a catastrophic failure).

perhaps I missed it, but is there a step by step guide or checklist available for upgrading a minor version of xen? 1.5x to 1.5y etc?

thanks again!
Third point upgrades are very straightforward and follow the same process as all other upgrades.

Upload the files to the server, navigate to the install path.

If you are using third party styles and add-ons, contact the authors for the latest compatible versions.
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seems easy enough!

i guess my biggest concern is how to determine which 3rd party "Styles" or upgrades might have been put in place since it was all done at the time of the install (yea yea, should have documented...but it was all so new and easy and exciting especially coming from vbulletin).

i can see where i can easily get a list of all installed addons....is there a place to go where you can see any styles or templates that might have been modified "from stock" to at least save as a reference should something not carry over?

thanks again!
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