Browser issue  Firefox + ClearType + Opacity

Yeah, I see it. I just don't see it on our tool tips. I don't know if it's the movement or the fast fade, the text just doesn't register until it's up to full opacity anyway.

Could you still fix it though? The two places I mentioned (tooltips and just after posting a quick reply) are the only places where I've noticed it, and it's a pretty simple fix.
The tooltips could be fixed without the rgba background, but messages simply show through the content background which is of value if it's an image. So this is simply down to a browser bug.
Browser bug it may be, it is not going to be fixed any time soon (the bug has been open since 2006) and affects probably more than half of all Firefox users.

Edit: Going by the recent comments in bugzilla, it looks like they actually are close to fixing it.
I tried on another computer and now I'm seeing this behaviour. It happens on forum home with the forum descriptions, and when making a quick reply. Win7 + FF3.6. Even though it's a browser bug, it might be worthwhile to work around just to avoid the ugliness of this for affected users.

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