XF 2.2 Finder question

I fixed option names and changed a template modification as suggested. Thanks one more time @Kirby and @briansol !

So, back to my original question regarding finder (or should I actually call it regarding repository ?).

findStillLongTitles() is fine, but findTooLongTitles() doesn't do what I want.
I want it to fetch threads where "Page Full Title" (means "Thread title" + 3 + "Board title") > $this->options()->av_threadTitles_max.
How to do that?

public function findTooLongTitles()
        $limit = $this->options()->av_threadTitles_max - strlen(\XF::options()->boardTitle);
        if($limit < 0){$limit = 1;}
        $finder = $this->finder('\XF:Thread');
        $expression = $finder->expression('CHAR_LENGTH(%s)', 'title');
        ->where($expression, '>', $limit)
        ->where('discussion_state', 'visible')
        ->where('discussion_type', '!=', 'redirect');
        return $finder;
    public function findStillLongTitles()
        $finder = $this->finder('\XF:Thread');
        $expression = $finder->expression('CHAR_LENGTH(%s)', 'title');
        ->where($expression, '>', $this->options()->av_threadTitles_max)
        ->where('discussion_state', 'visible')
        ->where('discussion_type', '!=', 'redirect');
        return $finder;
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