XF 1.4 Find Members Dropdown does not auto-suggest older members


Well-known member
I have just upgraded to XF version 1.4.4

When going to the "Members"-Tab, then entering a username into the "Find Member Searchbox" in the Sidebar:

when entering the username of a member who registered in the year of 2011 and in the year 2012, then it does not show the "auto-suggest dropdown".
Although it shows the "auto-suggest dropdown" for the Admin, it does not show for other members.

The "auto-suggest dropdown" only shows for newer members.

I have "rebuild user cache", but it still does not work.

Does anyone have the same issue ?
Limit auto-complete and birthday lists to active users
Similar to the previous option, username auto-complete and birthday lists are now limited to only showing users that have been active (somewhat) recently. The goal in both cases is to filter out users that are unlikely to be contacted or sought out.

As it stands, this is not option controlled and defaults to users active in the last 180 days.

This is why.
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