XF 2.0 Few quick questions


New member
  1. So I recently bought a theme for my site. For some reason it shows up like this: https://gyazo.com/5de427067bc12f1fbaa808974e9a016d Rather than this: https://gyazo.com/d29173145ea4f23e24ffa68c9e433866 Is there any way to change this? The reason I could find is that if it had subforums it was made into a square shape.
  2. My Logo seems to be having an issue, when I'm on the landing page it appears like this: https://gyazo.com/2b830d5ff37172222566e8f39321c0e4 but once I open a section or go anywhere else it removes it: https://gyazo.com/095eeb4fd69026b025a41a47c9699549
  3. Is there a way to add a icon to the tab list? https://gyazo.com/587b2be6dbc22002a2de65ef652270d5
@FallenArcher you really need to ask these questions to the theme author, we don't know how they have coded your custom theme. They should be providing support for your purchase.

This forum (Questions & Support) is meant for core features only.
@FallenArcher you really need to ask these questions to the theme author, we don't know how they have coded your custom theme. They should be providing support for your purchase.

This forum (Questions & Support) is meant for core features only.
Oh sorry, I wasn’t really sure where I should direct my questions to. I’ll contact them! Are the other questions appropriate here or should they also be directed to the theme author?
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