Features of XF?


New member
Hello XF,

I plan on spending a large amount of time for which Forum Software I decide to invest in. So this is very important to me. I've spent a majority of my time with vBulletin but I've been recommended by so many people to choose XenForo. I'm deciding to finally switch over.

Firstly, Do XF have <if tags>

For example: If Usergroup ID = 4 (Moderator) I can use that command to show an image only to that specific group.

Do you have if tags for forum id's as well?

Can you create new pages using XF Templates?

Some other products I'm interested in:
- Type of Market system (Like buying features; vB has some plugins and IPB has Nexus)
- Slider? (This would be helpful)
- Portal? (A portal displaying Forum News; Latest Posts; Newest Members; etc.)

Anything I need to know about XenForo please let me know.

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