XF 2.0 Fatal Error


I keep getting a http 500 error when I try to view my forums.
Ive checked the error logs and this is what it says is wrong.

        'canonicalUrl' => $__templater->fn('link', array('canonical:forums', $__vars['forum'], $__vars['canonicalFilters'] + array('page' => $__vars['page'], ), ), false),

Any one able to help? Anything is helpful!

[22-Dec-2018 15:26:14 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/empiremc/forum.empire-mc.net/internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s5/public/forum_view.php on line 29

My forum_view is displaying as broken but I dont have a clue how to fix it
forum_view code:
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There is a previous thread on this issue but it's related to using a style for a more recent version of XF than you have installed.

You should either downgrade your style too one designer for the version you're running or upgrade XF (to 2.0.12).
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