XF 1.2 Fatal Error Line 8


Active member
Good day to you all.
I just upgraded my site (http://doomsdayprepperforums.com)
I did the install, and now when I try to go to my site all I get is

Fatal error
: Unsupported operand types in /home/doomsday/public_html/library/XenTrCom/WhoHasVisited/Controller/Public.php on line 8
Good day to you all.
I just upgraded my site (http://doomsdayprepperforums.com)
I did the install, and now when I try to go to my site all I get is
Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/doomsday/public_html/library/XenTrCom/WhoHasVisited/Controller/Public.php on line 8
Did you follow the upgrade instructions as outlined by @Brogan. Odds are your add-on (Who Has Visited ?) is NOT 1.2 compatible. Disable that add on (you may have to disable all add-on's in config.php) and then remove it until it is 1.2 compatible.
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