XF 1.5 Facebook Sharing - og:image og:description etc...


Active member
I'm no expert but I know that in WordPress the Yoast SEO plugin helps ensure that each of your pages has tags in the code that make the page "Social Shareable".

This means when you paste a URL into a Facebook post, Facebook will accurately "fetch" the main image for that page, the Title for that page, and the desired "Description" snippet of text to display.

Oddly, I hadn't eve tried this with XenForo but it seems to be missing. Here is what happened when I tried it with a thread just now:


Is there some sort of Addon or some settings in XenForo that will put these tags (which I believe are called og:description, og:title, og:image, etc) into the pages properly?

Here is how a typical page shows up when it has these tags in the code:

Okay found the answer:

1) Go to Admin > Options > Facebook integration
2) Go here: https://findmyfbid.com/ type in your FB url and get your FB ID number. This goes in the "Facebook Page Admins" field in the XF Admin.
3) Under the field titled "Facebook Application ID" click on the text link "Facebook Application"
4) I must have done this months ago because I already set up an App ID here. You'll get an ID number and a "Secret". Enter it into the two fields in the XF Admin

Save this page in the admin and it will generate OG tags on your threads.
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