As designed Facebook Link in Profile not hyperlink


Well-known member
Affected version
When a user puts their Facebook profile link into the Facebook field within their account details the link does not render as a hyperlink when someone is viewing their profile, it just displays their Facebook member number as text
That's basically what we intend it to do and how it has always worked.

Admittedly it works better if you have a vanity name rather than just a number.

You can either create your own custom field that behaves differently, or change the behaviour of the default custom field. You can also control its output. For example if you change the "Display value HTML" field to the following it will output the link:

<a href="{$valueUrl}" target="_blank">{$value}</a>

Hopefully that helps but, as I mentioned, this is working as intended.
When a user puts their Facebook profile link into the Facebook field within their account details the link does not render as a hyperlink when someone is viewing their profile, it just displays their Facebook member number as text
Off-topic as resolved, but no forum, in my opinion, should be linking to social media. You want social media linking to your forum.

I specifically blacklist social media and whitelist certain pages that will benefit me as they share my content to their users.

Time to take control of your forum and make it grow without sending traffic out to the big guys, with seemingly more content, and retain as much as possible.
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