Facebook is killing traditional forums, but there is still time to adapt

I'm convinced that AdBlock is killing forums. Twitter and Discord are also culprits.

At the end of the day, you also have to be holding your own with your own forum / website. You have to put in the work daily, or at least weekly.
Some interesting stats in this article.

Mobile is where the users are continuing to go and video is increasingly what the users want to post, consume, and then discuss.

Their ad revenue is up nearly 50% from last year to over $10B for the quarter.

88% of that is from mobile, up 4% from 2016.

Xenforo needs a dedicated mobile app that makes it just as easy for forum users to view and add content as they can on a desktop or laptop.

A responsive mobile style just isn't enough anymore.

Forums are losing the battle because we can't keep up with the new ways people are consuming content, and that's making us more and more irrelevant every day.

In 2018 it's all about mobile and it's all about apps.
Xenforo needs a dedicated mobile app that makes it just as easy for forum users to view and add content as they can on a desktop or laptop.

A responsive mobile style just isn't enough anymore.

Forums are losing the battle because we can't keep up with the new ways people are consuming content, and that's making us more and more irrelevant every day.

In 2018 it's all about mobile and it's all about apps.
I've been saying this for years...
I've been saying this for years...
I'm absolutely horrified that nothing is being done about it. Forums used to be the leader in online communities, but now we've slowed and slipped back and have been overtaken. And our pace continues to slow. And we can all see it happening right before our eyes.

The time for heads to be pulled out of the sand and getting to work on a solution is now.

Has there ever been any substantive response from Xenforo's developers to the idea of a dedicated, customisable mobile app?
I'm absolutely horrified that nothing is being done about it. Forums used to be the leader in online communities, but now we've slowed and slipped back and have been overtaken. And our pace continues to slow. And we can all see it happening right before our eyes.

The time for heads to be pulled out of the sand and getting to work on a solution is now.

Has there ever been any substantive response from Xenforo's developers to the idea of a dedicated, customisable mobile app?
From what I understand they have no plans for any type of mobile app. Unfortunately Tapatalk is the only option as of now.
Xenforo needs a dedicated mobile app that makes it just as easy for forum users to view and add content as they can on a desktop or laptop.

A responsive mobile style just isn't enough anymore.

Forums are losing the battle because we can't keep up with the new ways people are consuming content, and that's making us more and more irrelevant every day.

In 2018 it's all about mobile and it's all about apps.
This is hyperbole. I, for one, do not want an app for every forum I browse. A good responsive design is all we need. Maybe push notification support in the future (iOS12 could implement service workers for Safari, fingers crossed).

I think what xf REALLY needs is an official API. That way we can easily create 3rd party software like mobile apps ourselves.
Xenforo needs a dedicated mobile app that makes it just as easy for forum users to view and add content as they can on a desktop or laptop.

A responsive mobile style just isn't enough anymore.

Forums are losing the battle because we can't keep up with the new ways people are consuming content, and that's making us more and more irrelevant every day.

In 2018 it's all about mobile and it's all about apps.

There is an other solutions what would could work for forums, Progressive web apps, google is pushing this as a better option for most websites.

But on a native app adsense can't be blocked so that is something to consider (no idea if you can block them on progressive web apps) . On the other hand 15 Februari google is comming with his own adblocker in chrome that only blocks intrusive ads, this can give an extra boost in income for forums.

AMP pages could also boost the user experience on mobile (what is is all about these days).
Everyone seems to think it's just really simple to make an app that works the way everyone think it should. The reality is that iOS push notification and the Apple Store is a %$#@% to deal with. All kinds of roadblocks, and they just don't care to appease people. I mean, look at iTunes for a PC, it's a wreck. I have tried to figure things out on that and there are things in that which are a total counter-intuitive hot mess to the point where if I want to figure anything out or get anything done, I get one of the kids to do it. Now that makes me sound old but from the perspective of a guy whose first PC was an IBM 8086 in the mid 1980s (dad worked for Big Blue) and my first modem was 300 baud and I was regularly on WWIV BBSs as a kid, that's saying something. Apple sucks and they are the primary roadblock here, and a very large % of mobile users use Apple, including myself.

So don't go blaming forum software, not completely.
I think that the current situation with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica is a golden opportunity for forum owners to market their forums as an alternative. Depending on the type of forum you have will depend on how you market yourself but for general discussion forums, the opportunity exists. Up until now, the ease and convenience has driven FB adaptation but perhaps now as news breaks as to the extents members of FB are the commodity, it might be the chance for forums to work on re-establishing themselves as the friendlier alternative.
While I do agree, I think anyone actively involved with many hobbyist Facebook groups will still struggle to breakaway as their video and image sharing, plus mobile app functionality is still far superior that anything forums currently offer.

The recent press can only be a good thing for forums not as heavily reliant on media though.
I think that the current situation with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica is a golden opportunity for forum owners to market their forums as an alternative. Depending on the type of forum you have will depend on how you market yourself but for general discussion forums, the opportunity exists. Up until now, the ease and convenience has driven FB adaptation but perhaps now as news breaks as to the extents members of FB are the commodity, it might be the chance for forums to work on re-establishing themselves as the friendlier alternative.

doubtful, people will forget and forgive...

besides, trump is to busy crashing the economy with his personal vendetta on Amazon vs post office.

are stocks still plunging?

right now, I think Facebook is the least of anyone's worries.
sure, I think FB lost alot of money over this, and their stock went down
a few points, but once they get back on track, then they could be back on top again.
I used vB for many years, growing a sorority members-only forum to about 900 members. It was my first forum full of add-ons, like the arcade, trader, radio, etc. and I was proud of my forum. In 2004, Facebook came around and I saw with sadness how my forums slowly became a vacant land. I was disappointed. Then I joined Facebook after I tried MySpace. I was on FB for 11 years. I learned to despise it. I left. Made me a happier person, free of being surrounded by drama and garbage/junk. I have forgone masterclasses, private groups, additional knowledge, etc. within clubs and memberships I am a member of, simply because I hate FB and refuse to ever get on it.

P.S. If you have a business account on Instagram, you will need to open a Facebook account in order to "promote." I guess I just won't promote on IG then.

I asked around, and within my family, to the 12 to 28 year olds..."Whats going on on social media?" "Which is the 'cool' one to hang out on?" Although a couple of them are on FB, ALL of them said "FB is old school"..."FB sucks"...FB is where a lot of family is at and they don't like that.

"So which one should I be on?" I asked. They all say Instagram. It's all about video and content. Each social media platform has its own demographic and what people like to do on it. If they don't like it, they use something else.

I missed the forum world. So I decided to start a new forum in a different niche. I surveyed random people on Instagram within my niche to see if they would be interested in joining. All of them said yes, some with excitement and wanting to know more.

One thing I like about the forum environment are chat rooms. It's fun and instant. We could have a movie night or an online party. My forum is built around a storyline and theme. The people in my niche are all about learning and how to do something - they learn by courses, photos, and videos. They said it's hard to learn when there's so much information all over the place and hard to locate supplies.

My new forum is my attempt to fill this need...to have one central location with information that is searchable and easy to find, while allowing people to learn, share, and collaborate with one another. You just got to be creative :) I think the interaction and offering services for people (especially for something they can't do themselves) is one way of going about it.

I will try building a forum again. I love it.
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Yes, FB owns IG. Although I prefer to not be on Twitter and IG, each one is its own world.

IG allows me to get a quick snapshot of other people's artwork, creations, and products by just looking at their photos...but you cant really all get together to chat or discuss things, at least I havent seen a way. Many times, people miss comments or DMs. Twitter, I just use this to get product updates or follow those who post recipes. They all have their pros and cons.
Yes, FB owns IG. Although I prefer to not be on Twitter and IG, each one is its own world.

IG allows me to get a quick snapshot of other people's artwork, creations, and products by just looking at their photos...but you cant really all get together to chat or discuss things, at least I havent seen a way. Many times, people miss comments or DMs. Twitter, I just use this to get product updates or follow those who post recipes. They all have their pros and cons.

I've recently started using instagram more. It's interesting, feels a lot different than facebook. Much more emphasis on the content than the comments. People just love to share pics and vids.

I'm really pleased you can upload videos to posts now, but the XF gallery could really do with a refresh to make it easier to browse and engage with. The thing about forums is the core forums posting experience is so rich now, the gallery sections could end up like Instagram on steriods if it was easier to quick upload, if there was a decent lightbox system, if comments allowed additional media upload and it was better integrated into the 'What's New' system.
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I've recently started using instagram more. It's interesting, feels a lot different than facebook. Much more emphasis on the content than the comments. People just love to share pics and vids.

Exactly. YouTube now has a Community tab for creators with (I think) at least 10,000 followers. I've heard of others only having about 2000 followers and are able to see the Community tab. Interesting.

I noticed a couple of people I follow on YouTube reposting and sharing other people's videos. How did they do that?! Boom. Community tab. So YouTube is doing the "repost/share other people's content" too.

I figured...some people are trying to learn something, be entertained, or buy something. Everyone else has a business and trying to sell something, is the entertainer, or the teacher. The creators of content.

Most people want to SHARE either something they know about, something they saw, or something they made, and then talk about it. I think that's why photos and videos are the thing now.
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