🙄 but 🦆🦆🦆

Yep ! I know but I didn't remember being ignored so much...
This discussion is not really a reproach but a small pike... All is well.
a small pike
Like this?


Or this?

Support is working as normal.
I really have the impression that no, many of the members most able to help hardly post anymore, the staff members apart from you are at best silent at worst absent*. Many discussions remain unanswered. Maybe my feeling is not the right one but I remember that at the beginning of my registration the answers were coming when we asked a question.

* @Chris D for example posted 20 posts in 2 months and 1 week
I guess it's not because he's at the beach sipping cocktails and he has a lot of work but it reinforces my impression of a lack of support on the forum.
That's not the topic, I don't have a real need for support because my forum is broken, I'm talking about the activity of the forum, which is above all a support forum, and which I find has no no longer the same responsiveness as before.

On the other hand I avoid as much as possible tickets for common questions which are generally answered on the forum in a short time except that now, and this is what I am talking about, it often takes much longer than before and quite often they get no response.
Tickets, in 4 years, I've opened 3 or 4... I'm not here to annoy people, I'm just giving my feeling, which you don't have to share.

If you want for support, pay for it (https://xenforo.com/customers/support/). Otherwise, free support doesn't guarantee to get a response
My license is valid. I paid for it, no need for this advice.
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remember that at the beginning of my registration the answers were coming when we asked a question.
At the beginning for me, I had noooo idea of what I was doing lol. I asked sooo many questions and got answers right away. But a lot of those members I do not see anymore. This was Xenforo 1 days before X2 came knocking. But Since I've grown to understand the functionality of Xenforo, I've needed less help over time. When I finish designing my website, I'm a dive into coding. I wanna create an add-on because I think I would be amazing at it.
You are probably right. And yes if people go out and have fun then there's nothing to say, I think everyone deserves to relax with everything we've been experiencing for 2 years... Let's wait for the start of the school year to take stock!
It's been like this on forum for ling time. It was busier when I joined, but probably because was covid. Lot's of forums closed down, and some developers left during this time.. Don't think is a good sign, but let's hope for best.
I actually left for a long time and gave up on this. But I came back because I want to be my own boss one day. So I am working harder than ever to create my website. But Other people might come back. But for those of us that are here, let's keep rocking out...
then we probably should discuss "how to do this and how to configure that", and not "how trees were taller and grass were greener". )
Those who talk much about the past don't have much in the future. (c)
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