Fixed Extra padding in Quick Thread vs regular Post Thread

DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
Affected version
Being that I'm stylastically challenged, this may not be a bug and may be a misuse of CSS classes on my part, but just in case:

Consider the following HTML code above the <xf:editorrow tag in forum_post_quick_thread:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id && $forum.dbtech_ecommerce_tickets_product_id">
    <xf:selectrow name="license_key" label="{{ phrase('dbtech_ecommerce_license') }}" rowtype="fullWidth noGutter mergeNext">
        <xf:option>{{ phrase('(none)') }}</xf:option>
        <xf:options source="{$'DBTech\eCommerce:License').getLicensesByUserAndProduct($xf.visitor.user_id, $forum.dbtech_ecommerce_tickets_product_id)}" />

Produces the following output:

Now consider the following HTML code above the <xf:editorrow tag in forum_post_thread:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id && $forum.dbtech_ecommerce_tickets_product_id">
    <xf:selectrow name="license_key" label="{{ phrase('dbtech_ecommerce_license') }}" rowtype="fullWidth mergePrev">
        <xf:option>{{ phrase('(none)') }}</xf:option>
        <xf:options source="{$'DBTech\eCommerce:License').getLicensesByUserAndProduct($xf.visitor.user_id, $forum.dbtech_ecommerce_tickets_product_id)}" />

Produces the following output:

Notice how in the second screenshot, there's no padding between the label and the input.

If this is not a bug, could you please let me know the correct CSS classes and/or HTML structure to avoid the 15px padding?

Ironically, both displays have minor bugs. However, both are fixed and should now be more consistent.

In the quick thread example, extra padding was being restored unexpectedly (giving the space between the label and input). In the full thread example, space is being removed unexpectedly between the label and input. There should be a small amount of space (7.5px out of the box) between the label and input in both cases. I've adjusted the CSS to handle these scenarios correctly now.
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