XF 2.2 Extending XF InlineMod for deleting Threads


Active member
I can't figure out which one should i extend when deleting threads in inline moderation?

i've already extended XF\Pub\Controller\Thread so if i delete the single thread without being using inline moderation my feature just work well.

Can someone explain me ?
The safest place to extend would usually be the entity because that one code path is called in all cases.
The safest place to extend would usually be the entity because that one code path is called in all cases.

I need to remove user points on inline deletion on the threads after that. I believe \XF\Pub\Controller\InlineMod actionPerformActions is what i need to do.

To check topics, users posts inside them and then for each of them to reduce points based on forums reward points on post/topic creation.
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