XF 1.1 Exporting / Importing user data / posts


Active member
Okay, so I have a forum that is a lost cause (on XF) and am moving my server also over to a VPS server from shared...

I am going to be deleting that shared account, and doing a fresh install of XF on my VPS server...

How would I go about at the very least exporting / importing my users from the old forum to the new fresh install?

Also can I do the same with all posts, and/or the boards? It's a ***** to have to re-create 40 boards and categories.

Oh also, I would be going from a 1.1.3 board to a 1.2 board if that makes a difference

Thanks much
Why not just move the database and files over if you are importing directly? Uninstall any add-ons you have and you should end up with a stock database.
I'm having major issues with my shared server and my XF.

I can give it a shot though, just uninstall on the admin end for the add-ons and then export my database in phpmyadmin?
You wouldn't install XenForo if you transfer the database. Just make sure your configuration file is hooked up properly to the new database.

I deleted the taigachat, yet the templates for dark_ are still in the style.. Is this a problem (I assume it could be since I will be using the pro version) and how do you even delete a template in the admin side?
Revert the template (red x). If its not attached to an add-on or there doesn't exist a master style equivalent (this is hidden to most admins), it will be removed.

You should remove any templates.
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