
Liam W

in memoriam 1998-2020
Well, all my exams finished on Wednesday (I had my last exam then, it was a Surgery [history] resit...). I got my present on that day as well - the release of 1.2 Beta 1, which kept me occupied for most of Wednesday & Thursday :P

Now I just have to wait for the results. *sigh*
Curious to know, are you doing GCSEs? or A-Levels? or something else? :)

GCSE's, all loads of them ;)

My Academy does something very strange - we start our GCSE's in Year 9, and we choose 2 options for Y9, Y10 and Y11. We do five hours of those options a week, and we sit the exam(s) in the same school year.

That way we can end up with 6 GCSE's+ (not including core subjects).

This year I had to do my English language exam (twice, even though I got my target the first time), a Maths exam, a Biology exam, a Physics exam, 3 history exams (+2 resits)...

So, this year has been very busy for exams :P

(Incidentally, you can find my school using only this info: Principal suspended, acting head applied, second ofsted report inadequate, placed on special measures, north west. I think it's a relatively OK school though...).
GCSE's, all loads of them ;)

My Academy does something very strange - we start our GCSE's in Year 9, and we choose 2 options for Y9, Y10 and Y11. We do five hours of those options a week, and we sit the exam(s) in the same school year.

That way we can end up with 6 GCSE's+ (not including core subjects).

This year I had to do my English language exam (twice, even though I got my target the first time), a Maths exam, a Biology exam, a Physics exam, 3 history exams (+2 resits)...

So, this year has been very busy for exams :p

(Incidentally, you can find my school using only this info: Principal suspended, acting head applied, second ofsted report inadequate, placed on special measures, north west. I think it's a relatively OK school though...).

Oh right I see. Busy year for you then. Best of luck for results day! Hope you get everything you need/want. Be sure to let us all know (y)
I have no idea what any of that means. I'm the product of the failed American public education system.

GCSEs are a type of qualification in the UK as are A-Levels. You get your GCSE's towards the end of high school while your A-Levels are obtained at college. Not sure how it works in America though :P
It doesn't work at all, which is why most of the world kicks our ass in math and science. We have this flawed belief that because we think we're the best, that we actually are the best.

If you can't beat them, buy them. This is what US does with world scientists. Giving them scholarships and other unvierty positions, which makes scientists from all over the world to look for a job in the US because they pay the most. Thus, US is still the strongest in science :)

Anyway, you can compare it to GED units in the US.
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It doesn't work at all, which is why most of the world kicks our ass in math and science. We have this flawed belief that because we think we're the best, that we actually are the best.

It's failed because the standardization sucks. Its local and state run versus most of the worlds nationally run systems.
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