Add-on Event booking addon


Well-known member
We're a motorbike group and we organize meetings where the members can book so the organizers know how many people will attend.

I'm actually use a section of my forum and each thread is an event. The members go inside that thread and they can book telling how many people will attend using RSVP from AndyB (1 or 2 but they can be more in less frequent specific cases) and a note (eg. I'll come on sunday or I cannot eat beef).

The Andy's addon works perfectly but I'd like to implement something more structured if the budget fits.

Here are the requests.
  • Have a panel where the members can see all the events in chronological order
  • The panel is visible only to members that become from a specific user group
  • The member click on an event and they see a big picture (representing the event) and all the events details that are
    • Precise location with a google map link and the address also written clearly
    • Name, phone and email of the organizer or the organizers ( max 3 or 4 organizers)
    • The event program (simple text with some pictures like in a forum post)
    • A button that the member can use to tell if
      • Is not interested
      • Maybe is interested but cannot tell at the moment
      • Want to book
        • In this case the member has to tell how many people and fill the notes field if necessary
    • The list of members booked in chronological order with the notes and the number of people
    • The total number of bikes booked (1 member = 1 bike)
    • The total number of people booked (on 1 bike two people are possible but may comes alone)
    • possibly a button to download a zip file with maps or pdf or the like
  • If possible the system has to send one email reminder one week and two days before the event
  • The member that has booked can remove his booking or modify it (eg. 1 to 2 people or different notes)
  • There is a start booking date and a last date for booking setting since maybe the meeting is the 6th of june but the bookings end an the end of march for example.
I'd like to have a quote to develop something with these features for XF2. Now I'm on XF1 but I'm planning to upgrade sooner or later.
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