XF 2.2 errors when importing from mybb 1.8 data to xenforo 2.2.2

Any resolution would involve a reimport, but it's very likely related to setting the utf8 character set explicitly. We normally suggest leaving it blank, unless you've migrated servers and MySQL's default connection character set has changed. Alternatively, setting the character set to latin1 may work (if that's what the MySQL connection used previously, even if MyBB used a different set).
On mybb there cyrilic characters was displaying normally.

I was trying to set utf8, and in some cases it was work. but some characters like Š and some usernames was changed to ??????

What is good character encoding to use if UTF8 is not the correct one ?
Today ill install the xenforo forum again on the same domain and ill try to make one test migrate too.
Don't force any character set and see if that produces what you expect (it normally would). Only if it doesn't should you force something (and I'd probably recommend latin1, which will usually bring the data out of the DB as is).
The force character set option specifically relates to forcing a character set for the MySQL connection, which then has an interaction with the character set specified in the tables/columns of the database. This may be independent from the character set actually used by the software, particularly if it's unaware of character sets.

Forcing the character set incorrectly (even though you might think that utf8 is correct) can actually cause exactly the issue you ran into, because it's not working on the level you're expecting.
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