XF 1.2 Embed Amazon S3 video

I use hundreds of videos on my site which are hosed on Amazon and embedded using the embed code generated by EZS3

On my old install I use the parse HTML plugin and that worked perfectly unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available any longer

Is there another "Easy" way to get these videos displaying?

I say easy because i downloaded a BB code manager and am completely lost even on the first screen!
Maybe it can be done with BB Code Media Sites. Not sure.

If you post an example of the embed code I or someone else might be able to advise how to set that up.
Below is the player code

<script type="text/javascript">
var playerhost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://rbbootcamp.s3.amazonaws.com/week2/ezs3js/secure/" : "http://rbbootcamp.s3.amazonaws.com/week2/ezs3js/player/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + playerhost + "flv/DDBFC831-D4AE-52BC-EDCD68640F3ACE18.js?t="+(Math.random() * 99999999)+"' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
Is that the only thing required to make the video play?

It might best if you tell us exactly what code you previously used in the Parse HTML add-on.
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