Implemented Email Templates


Well-known member
There are a few issues here...

1. Email templates are hard-coded to be blue... At the very least, shouldn't they be using the style variables like @PrimaryLight?

2. Admin templates aren't saved as files when you have that option, so there ends up being a lot of PHP code that needs to be compiled on the fly rather than being able to use an opcode cacher (any time the system sends an email).

3. This is more an overall thing, but why are admin templates completely separated from normal templates? We end up with two totally different systems that ultimately serve the same purpose. To make it worse, the admin template system isn't kept in-line with the normal templates. Wouldn't it make more sense to have one consolidated template system and just have an "admin" flag for admin templates? Then we could edit and search admin templates (which include non-admin things like outgoing emails) as well as the advantages as having admin templates (and emails) saved as files so the opcode cachers can do their magic...
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My members keep replying to email notifications. The little text at the bottom saying not to reply here is so small it's useless.

Fact of life. No matter how big it is they won't read it.

Working in fast food I put up signs all the time which no one read. On surefire way to get dumb people to see it is to put it over the dollar menu. Oh the correlation in that observation.

But I'm fairly certain if you put a sign on any fast food resteraunt saying danger gas leak in big bold letters. You would still have 10 people an hour come inside.
If I could have one feature added to XenForo, it probably would be having the ACP and emails styled according to the color palette! I mean, why not? I hate the ugly blue (don't get me wrong, I love blue, probably my favorite color, but it does not fit my site at all).
This is changed in the context of 2.0.

I can not wait so long anymore, sorry. I only can upgrade to XF2 (once it is availabel), if all my addons are compatible with it.

Even if XF2 would come out tomorrow, it will take another 6 months until all my addons are working with it.

Gladly i found this addon:

This makes exactly what I want to do and it took just 30 seconds. It just imports my template of the forum with one click into the newsletter template. As far as I can see it at the moment, it looks perfect!
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