XF 1.4 Email Confirmation Link not working.


New member
So, whenever some-one registers they get this message in their email:


So when they click that link this shows up:

My settings are:

@Mike I've got the exact same issue as the OP here. I removed the /forums extension for the Board URL, saved changes and user is still getting this error when clicking the link. Do you think he needs a new link now? If so, how do I regenerate one?
Yes, they will need a new email with a new link.

You can resend a new email via the link in the ACP on the user profile page.

Awesome that worked! One last question though, only because I'm stumped and would like to know.

Now that I've removed the /forums extension from Board URL, how is t hat url still working? It's working perfectly fine because I want my forums to point to http://forgehaven.com/forums/, but I'd like to know how it's working.
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