MG 1.1 duplicated entries in xengallery_album_permission


Well-known member

I found that I have duplicated entries in xengallery_album_permission ...

album id: 31, permission: add, access_type: public
album id: 31, permission: view, access_type: public

Is this ok?
I let the permissions by default when installed xfmg and this allows users to set who can upload photos to their albums.
Without knowing the implication, some choose to allow anyone to upload photos to their albums and I already disable that, but now, I need to remove all previous permissions too and would like to do it without going one by one :)
One by one is best. There's potentially records on other tables and caches that would need to be rebuilt that can only be guaranteed if you do it properly.

At least you can see from the database which albums you need to change.
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