XF 2.3 Dual Editor Display Issue on XenForo 2.3.2


Screenshot 2024-08-24 064202.webp

Hello everyone,

I've recently encountered an issue on XenForo 2.3.2 where two editor boxes appear simultaneously when I try to edit a post (as shown in the attached screenshot). This redundancy is not only unnecessary but also potentially confusing.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue, and whether it’s something that needs to be addressed in a future update or if there's a workaround available to resolve it. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
This redundancy is not only unnecessary but also potentially confusing.
Yes, I have been confused at times when the post I am editing is the last post on a page and I forget that I need to hit the Save button in that editor rather than the usual Post Reply button at the bottom. But I am not sure how else editing an existing post in place could work.
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