The number one dog friendly forum and community online.
- Great domain
- Good traffic volumes
- Bad view to sign up rates
- Bad engagement
As far as I can tell, you've done a really good overall job with
Top show mate!
I realize this probably isn't all that hrlpful, however I actually do find myself in full agreement with cherrysodastar too, yet of particular note would be where cherry mentios:
"Personally, I love my dog and I'm very fond of dogs in general, but I would never join a vague message board about dogs.. even one that wasn't littered."
Something I've been contemplating lately is regarding motivations for anyone, including myself, to actively participate with any particular fora...and honestly at first I had just assumed I already knew.
Only I soon realized I actually don't participate with any fora except mine as well as a few friends ones too... though primarily only to support my friends, secondarily as it's my responsibility as co-admin for each of them.
I wouldn't even be here @ xf commune if not for this being the official Xenforo "Customer Support Community".
Practically every fora I've tried participating at over the last few years have proven a common pattern of increasingly presenting the same general social vacuum, more often also extremely toxic as well. The fora lacking activity are obvious straight away so there's no point hanging around, while the fora that still seem as though to be active, in literally every case I've experienced, quickly become intolerably repulsive due to the few lingering members of these pseudo-"actuve" fora apparently always being afflicted with cluster b behavioural predilections. Eg: "narcissistic", "sociopathic", and all manner of variably severe destructive personality dysfunction.
Basically what I'm saying is that I think the antiquated legacy fora as they currently still haunt us in this highly polished '90s form, are long dead and merely being propped up by those who once gleefully lorded over many thousands of members during the online fora glory days. Power trippers desperately clinging to memories of fruitful days long gone where their delusions of grandeur were adequately satiated by the masses.
Unfortunately they're ignorant to actual reality and simply blind to the obvious fact that these fora have been left stagnant for a very long time now.
Not just XF. All of them. They're all apparently hellbent on polishing and re-polishing the same things all while proclaiming variable nonsense.
Fora fanatics typically say the opposite of what I have here, and usually blame "Social Media" for why fora are slipping ever further into irrelevance.
However, by stepping out-side these fora communes it quickly becomes apparent that the overwhelming majority perception of fora is generally the same.
Predominant control over the developmental direction of fora has clearly been taken over by predatory individuals who prioritize personal "power" over others. Which is probably why almost all "upgrades", "improvements" and so forth ars specifically designed for further imposing that common stifling environment of absolute control over community members as if they're slaves, rather than actually bothering with improving the conditions for positive social environments to develop naturally by members positively benefiting from such environments.
Bottom line is that fora admins adhering to the twisted communal legacy fora ideologies dominating places like XF community, are all doomed and nothing can save them.
The only solution is to step outside these literal cult echo chambers and seek out novel new concepts. Can try presenting new ideas here among the cultists but as they've repeatedly proven, they simply attack everyone who fails to conform to the cult ideology.