XF 1.3's Link and Image Proxy System - Why is it useful to you?

It is a configurable on off switch. Some may not turn it on. Other than that, not sure what you are asking.
I use the image proxy to maintain the integrity of my forums.. Although i would like to experiment with the link proxy i have Skimlinks installed and i believe they conflict with each other so have not enabled the link proxy.
I'm moving to HTTPS and like some others here mentioned, I'm trying to figure out what benefit the Proxy Links actually has. Apart from keeping a log of external links posted, does it actually do anything else? Because I can click direct non-proxied links external links without getting an insecure content warning, so in what situation would I need or want to use it?
Images from non https sites will cause an insecure/mixed content warning.

That is primarily why the proxy feature was developed.
I understand that is the purpose of the image proxy, but I couldn't figure out how the link proxy was beneficial to SSL which seems to be a misconception some other people have too.

However I did just come across the 1.3 HYS video which talks about them both and it seems that the link proxy is pretty much just an external link logger.

I was thinking that the link proxy was there to resolve insecure content warnings in the case that people didn't want to use the image proxy, but it doesn't have any effect on embedded image URLs inside IMG tags, only if linking out in a URL tag.
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