Does setting a forum to show threads from last 30 days affect SEO?

i mean sitemap would work in any case. similar threads feature would also help if available. do xenforo hide threads completely from public pages if you set it like that?
SEO includes how pages interlink because each link to a page helps pass page rank.

I don't see how making pages less discoverable to both users and search engines can be beneficial, unless the less discoverable content is low quality or ages-out quickly. Why create unnecessary hurdles?
Not a hurdle to search engines finding the page, but a hurdle to them spreading page rank internally through intra site links. Most every non-nofollow link to a page passes page rank to it.

For users discovering it, there are four ways to discover a page:
1. Link from an external site.
2. Search engines
3. Link from another page on the same site.
4. In the listing returned by the forum search engine.

I'll bet thread listings are the single largest presentation of #3, and it would artificially cut off the number of threads shown.
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