Do I really need suPHP for Xenforo?

No, suPHP is not good with any cache. In fact in some cases, sites are slower using suPHP with a cache then just suPHP alone. FastCGI with a cache is the best way to go imo.
Thanks, I'm now using
  • FastCGI :)
  • Apache 2.2.5
  • Php 5.4.17
  • Varnish/Nginx in front
  • APC
  • Google Mod_PageSpped
But not yet using it on live forum.
Any suggestion / advice for more optimization?
Thanks, I'm now using
  • FastCGI :)
  • Apache 2.2.5
  • Php 5.4.17
  • Varnish/Nginx in front
  • APC
  • Google Mod_PageSpped
But not yet using it on live forum.
Any suggestion / advice for more optimization?

We had a lot of issues when we tried Varnish. New posts were caching oddly. After you posted, you would see your new post, but no one else would. Refresh and it would be gone for you too and took 5-15 minutes for anyone to see it again after. Personally for me, I like Memcache over APC, each site on the server can have it's own cache with Memcache, just run each instance on a different port. APC is a good choice too, many of our customers use it, just a personal choice for me to go Memcache. Google Mod_pagespeed I installed on my test box today but haven't had time to test it yet.
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We had a lot of issues when we tried Varnish. New posts were caching oddly. After you posted, you would see your new post, but no one else would. Refresh and it would be gone for you too and took 5-15 minutes for anyone to see it again after.
Did you have fastcgi_cache_purge module when you tried Varnish?
We had a lot of issues when we tried Varnish. New posts were caching oddly. After you posted, you would see your new post, but no one else would. Refresh and it would be gone for you too and took 5-15 minutes for anyone to see it again after. Personally for me, I like Memcache over APC, each site on the server can have it's own cache with Memcache, just run each instance on a different port. APC is a good choice too, many of our customers use it, just a personal choice for me to go Memcache. Google Mod_pagespeed I installed on my test box today but haven't had time to test it yet.
Now using it on my Live Forum :)
Extra modules aside from cpanel defaults are:
Deflate - apache module
Fast Cgi (instead of suphp)
Google Mod PageSpeed
Varnish / nginx - frontend
Php 5.4.17
You have a nice set up there but you are screwing everything with this :


If some one wants to attack your site they will and cloudflare will chuck you out. There is no stopping for a ddos that is well executed. Dont use their security feature. You will loose visitors and as a result advertising revenue.
Internal ser error code 500. Webmasters tools tells you if google encountered any server erros while crawling your website. With the set up you have if not done right could result into frequent 500 errors. So just keep a watch thats all.
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