Great, now I have to fix something quick for a member. I went through and manually cancelled all the old vB paid memberships through Paypal so that they wouldn't auto renew and the members would have to start new memberships in the new system. I sent an email notice to them all telling them I was doing this, that their membership would still be active until it was set to expire. But I had a member go in and sign up for a new account upgrade anyway, when he still had one active. I didn't think they could do that. I saw this and refunded/cancelled his new subscription. It ended up downgrading his status even though he had his old active paid membership.
Now I have to manually add his account upgrade back in to align with his old expiration dates. I found it in the list of active upgrades (would be nice if there was a search or sorting feature when browsing active upgrades BTW - paging through and hitting CMD+F seems like a pretty cheesy way to search for an active account upgrade). In vB this would have taken me 2 minutes to get done because the record is listed on the user's profile and can be edited from there. I can't find a way to manually activate his account upgrade in the XF acp.
Please help.