I want to use the load_class_route_prefix code event to "hook" into buildLink method of XenForo_Route_Prefix_Threads and XenForo_Route_Prefix_Forums to prevent them to produce links with non ascii characters.
In theory, it should be find by extending those classes with a code event listener. BUT actually, it's not possible because XenForo_Link::_loadPrefixHandlerClass loads those classes using XenForo_Application::autoload instead of XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass.
Anybody's interested in this?
In theory, it should be find by extending those classes with a code event listener. BUT actually, it's not possible because XenForo_Link::_loadPrefixHandlerClass loads those classes using XenForo_Application::autoload instead of XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass.
Anybody's interested in this?