Discord to Xenforo Channel Message Auto Post via API


Hi there we custom made a discord server channel messages to xenforo auto poster so it synchronizes the specified discord server's channels messages to a thread that is set for the discord channel, we are looking to see if anyone is interested in purchasing this as it is great for tapping into unique content that is human made and plagiarism free since discord channel messages don't get indexed into search results. So this is your chance to get at an untapped source of content and utilize it on your forum or synchronize your discord channels to your forum.

Any webmasters that are interested please let us know, as it is not cheap since it relies on API usage and a service that it relies on so it can range in pricing and we have made it to be as affordable as possible but we do not think there is much of a xenforo userbase that would make serious use of this as well so it is private and we will take offers.
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