Disappointment in a member

Matt C.

Well-known member
I have a member who was with since almost the beginning of my forum and he was a great contributor. I was planning on making him a moderator if my forum becomes busier (which it is now). I told him my intentions and he declines and told me someone else was a better fit.

The problem arrived when he started backseat moderating and this caused problems with other members. I told him I can't allow him to do this because I don't allow other people to backseat moderate. After I told him he blocked me on Discord and removed all his information from the forum account.

This is really disappointing because I really valued him as a member. I don't know if I could done things differently, I just want to rant.
I had a member go nuts recently after saying thanks for all the helpful replies he proceeded to threaten legal action if his account wasn't immediately deleted accompanied by a plethora of expletives. You've got to have thick skin to be in this game sometimes.
I would try to reconcile with him. If he was that much of a contributor considering you were already planning on making him a mod. I've been on sites that take back seat moderating quite seriously. Se7ensins which I'm now a 12 year member this month even though I haven't been active in a while (I saw your mention on se7ensins in another post). Anyways on that site you get infracted for back seat moderating and big sites have to be fair to other members. But if he was there from the beginning depending on the situation you may want to try and see if he will come back to the site. To be fair, big sites need that sort of rule set where you get infracted for disobeying the rules. Then again if he can't handle the rules then possibly not. It's a call you got to make but I would try to reconcile and see if it makes a difference.
I would try to reconcile with him. If he was that much of a contributor considering you were already planning on making him a mod. I've been on sites that take back seat moderating quite seriously. Se7ensins which I'm now a 12 year member this month even though I haven't been active in a while (I saw your mention on se7ensins in another post). Anyways on that site you get infracted for back seat moderating and big sites have to be fair to other members. But if he was there from the beginning depending on the situation you may want to try and see if he will come back to the site. To be fair, big sites need that sort of rule set where you get infracted for disobeying the rules. Then again if he can't handle the rules then possibly not. It's a call you got to make but I would try to reconcile and see if it makes a difference.

I've tried to reconcile. But he has blocked me everywhere. I tried emailing him but he hasn't replied. I would never make him a moderator now though considering how he acted.
I've tried to reconcile. But he has blocked me everywhere. I tried emailing him but he hasn't replied. I would never make him a moderator now though considering how he acted.

If he blocked you everywhere you might want to just distance yourself from that situation and see if he contacts you again. I wouldn't make him a moderator either because of this situation. Possibly he will contact you, possibly not but when you put it like that you might just want to lay back and see if anything else comes out of it and just not worry much about that. I don't know what went on in the conversation but he may return and if he doesn't at least you tried.
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If he blocked you everywhere you might want to just distance yourself from that situation and see if he contacts you again. I wouldn't make him a moderator either because of this situation. Possibly he will contact you, possibly not but when you put it like that you might just want to lay back and see if anything else comes out of it and just not worry much about that. I don't know what went on in the conversation but he may return and if he doesn't at least you tried.

The guy seems to be a flog and deserves to be banned.

It stops the situation.
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