New member
Hello dear users of the forum, please tell me how to disable registration on the forum by Email, just so that the login and password registration was, as far as I understand, you need to cut out the part of the code responsible for registration in register_form
but as soon as I delete a part when I am haunted by an error
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please provide a valid email address.
As far as I understand, email verification is still used, please help me solve this problem.
<xf:if is="$providers is not empty">
<div class="block">
<div class="block-container">
<div class="block-body">
<xf:formrow rowtype="button"
label="{{ phrase('register_faster_using') }}">
<ul class="listHeap">
<xf:foreach loop="$providers" value="$provider">
<xf:macro template="connected_account_macros" name="button"
arg-provider="{$provider}" />
<xf:form action="{{ link('register/register') }}" ajax="true" class="block"
data-xf-init="reg-form" data-timer="{$xf.options.registrationTimer}">
<div class="block-container">
<div class="block-body">
<xf:comment>Spam catcher field</xf:comment>
<xf:textboxrow name="username" value="" autocomplete="off" rowclass="formRow--limited"
maxlength="{{ max_length($xf.visitor, 'username') }}"
label="{{ phrase('user_name') }}"
explain="{{ phrase('please_leave_this_field_blank') }}" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="username_row"
arg-fieldName="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('username') }}"
arg-value="{$fields.username}" />
<xf:comment>Spam catcher field</xf:comment>
<xf:if is="{{ rand(0, 2) == 1 }}">
<xf:textboxrow name="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('email_hp') }}" value="" type="email" autocomplete="off"
maxlength="{{ max_length($xf.visitor, 'email') }}"
label="{{ phrase('email') }}"
explain="{{ phrase('please_leave_this_field_blank') }}" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="email_row"
arg-fieldName="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('email') }}"
arg-value="{$}" />
<xf:comment>Spam catcher field</xf:comment>
<xf:if is="{{ rand(0, 2) == 1 }}">
<xf:textboxrow name="email" value="" type="email" autocomplete="off" rowclass="formRow--limited"
maxlength="{{ max_length($xf.visitor, 'email') }}"
label="{{ phrase('email') }}"
explain="{{ phrase('please_leave_this_field_blank') }}" />
<xf:comment>Spam catcher field</xf:comment>
<xf:if is="{{ rand(0, 2) == 1 }}">
<xf:textboxrow name="password" type="password" autocomplete="off" rowclass="formRow--limited"
label="{{ phrase('password') }}"
explain="{{ phrase('please_leave_this_field_blank') }}" />
<xf:passwordboxrow name="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('password') }}" autocomplete="new-password"
label="{{ phrase('password') }}"
hint="{{ phrase('required') }}"
required="required" checkstrength="true" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="dob_row" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="location_row"
arg-value="{$fields.location}" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="custom_fields" />
<xf:captcharow label="{{ phrase('verification') }}" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="email_choice_row" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="tos_row" />
<xf:macro template="register_macros" name="submit_row" />
<xf:hiddenval name="reg_key">{{ $regForm.getUniqueKey() }}</xf:hiddenval>
<xf:hiddenval name="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('timezone') }}" value="" data-xf-init="auto-timezone" />
but as soon as I delete a part when I am haunted by an error
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please provide a valid email address.
As far as I understand, email verification is still used, please help me solve this problem.