XF 2.1 Disable emojis in thread titles


Active member
Is there a way to disable emojis in thread titles so that they only appear in posts?

We have some other emoji questions here if anyone can assist.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Well with all due respect for a great software, it just looks like the devs don't listen their customers very much, and ignore even the simplest suggestions like this one, which is probably a 15 lines development for them.
They work in their bubble, disconnected from actual user communities (and user abuse).
The current implementation of emojis "everywhere" is just asking for problems in any youth forum.
POssible solution would be to at least allow regexp matching
What do you find as the best workaround in the text?

e.g apparently the three characters .... ( n ) when placed next to each other .. meaning a neuter grammatical element, comes out as thumbs down - (n)

Probably I can change them to (N) or (.n)
Is that the only solution?

Plus I have not figured out yet what gives me

- looks almost the same, but different size - is that also the ( n ) ?

Your thoughts?
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Yes the two different sizes are the same emoji. I think the smaller one might be a picture, the four corners lift up, when you top on the picture. Anyway, they are the same. ( n ) .
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