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Digital Point Spy

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Sorry about that, I had checked a clone server that didn't have it yet.

OK, I have the table and it's populating properly but it still remains blank on the frontend...
Hmmm... the main page is rendering (obviously) so not a problem there... the AJAX request is being made, so not an issue with the JavaScript... but the AJAX request is returning an empty array (meaning it doesn't think there's anything that should go on it). If the dp_spy table has data in it, it definitely should have something coming back in that array...

In the DigitalPointSpy/Model/Spy.php, try changing this:
return $this->_getDb()->fetchAssoc('
			SELECT spy.*, user.username, thread.title, thread.node_id, node.title as forum_title, post.message
			FROM dp_spy AS spy
				LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON (user.user_id = spy.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_thread AS thread ON (thread.thread_id = spy.thread_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_post AS post ON (post.post_id = spy.post_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = thread.node_id)
			WHERE (thread.node_id IS NULL OR thread.node_id IN (' . implode(',', $viewableNodes) . '))
				AND spy.action IN ("' . implode('","', $actions) . '")
				' . ($last > 0 ? 'AND spy_id > ' . $last : '') . '
			LIMIT 25
to this:
return $this->_getDb()->fetchAssoc('
			SELECT spy.*, user.username, thread.title, thread.node_id, node.title as forum_title, post.message
			FROM dp_spy AS spy
				LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON (user.user_id = spy.user_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_thread AS thread ON (thread.thread_id = spy.thread_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_post AS post ON (post.post_id = spy.post_id)
				LEFT JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = thread.node_id)
			WHERE spy.action IN ("' . implode('","', $actions) . '")
				' . ($last > 0 ? 'AND spy_id > ' . $last : '') . '
			LIMIT 25

That will remove the permission filtering... A user needs the forum permission for being able to "view threads by others" to see actions within that forum.
Hmmmm... not a good thing though since you would have users able to see stuff being posted in forums they don't have permissions to access. Can you double check that you are using the "view threads by others" permission for user groups?
All of my permissions work fine on the site, I've tested out each individual usergroup again today... I haven't had an issue until testing this out. Hmm.

I don't see an option for "view threads by others" in any usergroup permissions? I'm working with 1.0.4, and in my test install of 1.1.0RC1 I see that there are two new/renamed options "view threads by others" and "view thread content".

Perhaps this was made compatible only with 1.1.0? ;)
Ah... If it was something new to 1.1, then yeah... Would only display stuff properly in 1.1... I don't have a 1.0.x install myself, so...
incoming rss feeds have no author.
i dont know if the same happens if the feeds are posted as 'guest', but this is the result if one uses a feedbot:

items (soft) deleted from the moderation queue show as 'deleted topic' in ispy, even after being hard-deleted.
Do the incoming RSS "threads" have an author? I mean it kind of makes sense to not have an author since there really isn't one...
I've tried this on 2 sites both running 1.1 and it doesn't work. Table is there, but, there is no data in it. JS on the page works and no errors in server log on the server or in xenforo admin.

See it at http://windows2008forum.com/spy/
If nothing is getting in the table, then it's not picking up the events (obviously)... Any possibility you have listeners disabled in your config.php file?
If nothing is getting in the table, then it's not picking up the events (obviously)... Any possibility you have listeners disabled in your config.php file?
Not disabled. I tried an uninstall and reinstall and still no data in the db.

I did a clean install on one of the test servers and no data being pulled into that install either.

Maybe it just doesn't Windows Servers.
Hrmmm... not sure why that would be unless XF itself didn't like Windows servers... there certainly isn't anything weird going on with the code. Just normal stuff... extending some pretty basic classes/methods and writing to the DB when they are called... hmmm...
The easiest way would be to open the DigitalPointSpy/Listener/TemplateHook.php file and comment out this line like so:
// $contents .= '<li><a href="' . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('spy') . '">' . new XenForo_Phrase('spy') . '</a></li>';
The easiest way would be to open the DigitalPointSpy/Listener/TemplateHook.php file and comment out this line like so:
// $contents .= '<li><a href="' . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('spy') . '">' . new XenForo_Phrase('spy') . '</a></li>';
Thanks but instead of removing it, I just changed the name of spy to 'Who's Posting?' through phrases, then put a conditional in the spy template to prevent guests and regular members from viewing, then put a notice that only logged-in VIP members and above can view. This is a great feature to add for special vip or paid members-only. Thanks alot man!
It looks like this only picks up new posts from one forum. If you look at the spy now you'll see it shows one thread from the introductions forum although there was more new posts in other forums. I wonder if the problem is because of the imported data. That wouldn't explain why it doesn't pick up new posts in any of the other forums.
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