Lack of interest [Developer Tool] Improve "Analyze permissions" back-end to allow for easier inheritance

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DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
Recently, I took it upon myself to write a system for permission inheritance for the new FlatContentPermissions / AbstractFlatPermissions system, in order to allow for eCommerce products to inherit permissions from categories as well as from the global scope.
This was very easy to do; all I had to do was implement a custom getApplicablePermissionSets in my permission definition file, which defined new entries in the $sets array for categories (f.ex. $sets["ecommerce-category-group-$userGroupId"] etc).

The problem is, analyzeCombination and the permission_analyze templates are hardcoded to only accept the built-in sets. I had to copy the entire analyzeCombination function just to add
        $thisIntermediates = array_merge($thisIntermediates, $this->collectCategoryIntermediates(
            $combination, $permissions, $sets, $contentId, $titles[$contentId]
as well as add a template modification to add additional <xf:if> checks for the new intermediaries.

I believe that with a few changes, this can be made less involved for developers. Off the top of my head, I can think of a small list of changes:
  • Change analyzeCombination to add support for an optional $this->collectIntermediaries method (is_callable check?) in a similar way to my code above
  • Add an optional 6th parameter to AnalysisIntermediate that contains the phrase text used for this intermediary
  • Add a new elseif chain at the end of the intermediate loop in the template, something like
    <xf:else />
        <xf:if is="$intermediate.contentId">
            {$intermediate.contentTitle} - {{ $intermediate.typePhrase ?: phrase('n_a') }}
        <xf:else />
            {{ $intermediate.typePhrase ?: phrase('n_a') }}
I can actually create this system and test it for you if this is something you would be interested in? :)

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