Lack of interest [Developer Tool] Consider splitting \XF\Repository\Route :: getRouteCacheData $data array creation into a function

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DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
At the moment, it is not possible for add-ons to add custom fields to the route cache data without re-fetching all the data.

Use case: I want to create an extension to the API system that allows for per-route rate limits. I want to be able to extend the Route entity and add new fields to the $data array, like so:
$data = [
   'format' => $route->format,
   'build_callback' => $route->build_class ? [$route->build_class, $route->build_method] : null,
   'controller' => $route->controller,
   'context' => $route->context,
   'action_prefix' => $route->action_prefix,
   'dbtech_api_rate_limit_amount' => $route->dbtech_api_rate_limit_amount,
   'dbtech_api_rate_limit_minutes' => $route->dbtech_api_rate_limit_minutes

However, this is not possible as it stands. Therefore, please consider changing this:
$data = [
   'format' => $route->format,
   'build_callback' => $route->build_class ? [$route->build_class, $route->build_method] : null,
   'controller' => $route->controller,
   'context' => $route->context,
   'action_prefix' => $route->action_prefix

if ($route->AddOn && $route->AddOn->is_processing)
   $this->disableProcessingAddOnRoute($route, $data);

To this:
$data = $this->buildRouteCacheData($route);

So that what I need can be implemented without having to re-fetch all data.

Thank you.

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