Deleted a user but the name still shows up


Well-known member
I recently deleted a user on his request but his name and posts still show up on the forums. How do I remove all traces completely? Thanks.
You can run these queries on your database to change the name on the posts from the deleted user:

Rich (BB code):
UPDATE xf_post
SET username = 'new name'
WHERE username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;

UPDATE xf_thread
SET username = 'new name'
WHERE username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;

Or if you want to soft delete those posts then run these queries.

The red is the username of the deleted user whose posts and threads you want to soft delete. The blue is the deletion info (user_id and username of the user who is doing the deleting, as well as a stated reason for the log). Backup first:

Rich (BB code):
UPDATE xf_post
SET message_state = 'deleted'
WHERE message_state = 'visible'
AND username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;

INSERT INTO xf_deletion_log (content_type, content_id, delete_date, delete_user_id, delete_username, delete_reason)
	SELECT 'post', post_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 'admin', 'manually deleted via query'
	FROM xf_post
	WHERE message_state = 'deleted'
	AND username = 'old name'
	AND user_id = 0
	content_id = VALUES(content_id);

UPDATE xf_thread
SET discussion_state = 'deleted'
WHERE discussion_state = 'visible'
AND username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;

INSERT INTO xf_deletion_log (content_type, content_id, delete_date, delete_user_id, delete_username, delete_reason)
	SELECT 'thread', thread_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 'admin', 'manually deleted via query'
	FROM xf_thread
	WHERE discussion_state = 'deleted'
	AND username = 'old name'
	AND user_id = 0
	content_id = VALUES(content_id);
I tried this, but phpmyadmin answers with "# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows)."

Maybe the problem is that the username was USER NAME with an empty character in the middle?

I used this query:

UPDATE xf_post
SET username = 'Guest'
WHERE username = 'Magic Bass'
AND user_id = 0;

UPDATE xf_thread
SET username = 'Guest'
WHERE username = 'Magic Bass'
AND user_id = 0;

You would have to confirm that the conditions are correct. It will only update records WHERE username = 'Magic Bass' AND user_id = 0 . If the name is misspelled or the user_id is not 0 then it won't update any records.
You can run these queries on your database to change the name on the posts from the deleted user:

Rich (BB code):
UPDATE xf_post
SET username = 'new name'
WHERE username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;

UPDATE xf_thread
SET username = 'new name'
WHERE username = 'old name'
AND user_id = 0;
What if you don't know their user name and just want to change it to Guests and since they are already a guests with 0 as their user id can you change their user id to an account you created? Related to:
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