XF 1.4 Delayed alerts?


Well-known member

I might be wrong but since 1.4.8 (IIRC) let's say I logout at 14:00 and leave my alerts counter (on the top right) clean. Then I login again at 18:00, my alerts are still clean however after browsing my forum for a few seconds then the alerts (with times between 14:00 and 18:00) arise and suddenly get displayed in mass.

Is this normal?

No, they should be displayed immediately when you log in, unless they're trophy alerts. Even if the cron task has already run, they'll be delayed a little bit upon logging in or coming back to the forum.
Yep trophy alerts have been always delayed a few seconds after you login however other alerts were visible as soon as you login. I might be wrong but I believe that this problem (delayed alerts) started to happen after I upgraded to 1.4.8 but I'm not sure...
Not yet but I am asking with the hope of finding people with the same problem. If no one confirms this behavior within a few days then I will do the usual test routine (which is going to be a pita).
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that unread alerts take a few seconds after being logged in to get displayed.

I mean I login and I don't see my alerts. After I browse my forum for lets say 30 seconds then the alerts get displayed.
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