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is it just me or are there several missing images from this theme. i get all kinds of errors in my logs to the point I disabled the theme. the problem is the pics aren't in the zips so i don't know what they are without hunting them down. all the images with x in the name are missing?
hrm, well i spoke too soon. i'm not sure how to fix it. it's the ID 'headerMover' that is causing this... and if I put the statement in the css it gets rid of the background pic. hm...

any ideas? I'm not familiar with the themes in xen so i don't know the structure.
Under html body where the by is put you must add the hex for the by color I must have forgotten to add it in, will add in update as well.
Thanks for your hard work. hey listen, this is a free theme, I get it. i know you aren't required to kill yourself to support it, but I really appreciate your attentiveness on it
Thank you. i have another question you might not know the answer too.

My thought was anything put in the extra.css would override any css styles defined in the theme but that is not working at all. The problem is I have the calenadar add on and it looks HORRIBE in the defiance light theme. I tried to even go as far as putting all the style elements in the defiance.css and it STILL wouldn't take. I'm getting really frustraTed. do you have any idea what direction to go?

also, i don't know if you want to know this or not, but if people use defiance l;ight and have the user activity mod, you have to change some of the styling to get it to view right. but there's nothing I can see to do in the theme, it has to edited in the add-on properties. it's insane how disorganized this all seems, is it just me?
You'll most likely need to add !important to your styling on the calendar css. I've been meaning to recode this as I've updated it to work with the latest version of xenforo but haven't redone the whole style like some of the other styles I have.

How does it look on the defiance light? have a screenshot? Also, looks like I can't connect to my home workstation from here so It may be a few more hours until I get it uploaded here.
Hours is just fine my friend, no hurry.

light looks the same but the gradient makes it so it's not as noticeable.

Just post when you update if you don't mind so I will get a notice!
You'll most likely need to add !important to your styling on the calendar css. I've been meaning to recode this as I've updated it to work with the latest version of xenforo but haven't redone the whole style like some of the other styles I have.

How does it look on the defiance light? have a screenshot? Also, looks like I can't connect to my home workstation from here so It may be a few more hours until I get it uploaded here.
By the way, i like the look of the light version a lot. As soon as you put up the new update I'm going to open the themes for use.
You'll most likely need to add !important to your styling on the calendar css. I've been meaning to recode this as I've updated it to work with the latest version of xenforo but haven't redone the whole style like some of the other styles I have.

How does it look on the defiance light? have a screenshot? Also, looks like I can't connect to my home workstation from here so It may be a few more hours until I get it uploaded here.
FYI i found the fix. The author of the calendar got in touch with me and pointed me to the right area (the calendar.css) so i've got it all to fix now. I love the calendar, my members were mad it wasn't included in the forum software lol
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