Dealing with bots


Well-known member
At the moment, on my vBulletin board, I have 2150 guests. How nice of them! But we know they are not really guests, because most have IPs from China!

How does Xenforo deal with bots? Does it also show them as guests? Has it got any inbuilt functionality to deal with them?
If you add this to the end of your index url /online/ you'll come across 4 tabs. One is Robots. However, not always will they be classed as bots, it's usually registered bots like google, bing etc. are listed under that tab. There are many options in /admin.php?options/groups/usersAndRegistration/
that stop forum spam, catches most bots and keeps them away from registering or spamming your forums. However, there is an add-on that I would recommend by @OzzModz that can eliminate the need of those options and catch bots automatically before they sign up through a system that Ozzie has built.

Edit: You can deal with bots at Robots.txt level, more information can be found online.
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