Database size


Well-known member
My forum database shows a size of 0.0 mb in cpanel list of mysql databases. Also when I click Disc Space Usage in cpanel, mysql still shows 0 mb. Is it really that small? Or am I missing something?(n)

Also temp/ folder has taken about 2.7gb space. Is it okay to empty it?

I have attached a screenshot.



If you have installed the database on this server a short time ago, wait a bit - the numbers in Cpanel are not calculated online but are cached.

Or have you recently moved the forum? Then I urgently would check if you aren't still using the database on the old host.
Hi Walter, I moved the site from another host to Servint more than a year ago. I remember seeing this error a long time ago after I moved but I ignored it because everything was working well anyway. Now I am trying to get an external party to periodically back my database up. They have different plans to choose from according to size of website. I have no idea how big my database is and therefore no idea which plan to choose.

By the way, thanks for your reply.
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