Cannot reproduce data-cacheoverlay="false" causes issues with form submission

I know that you provided an example related to Xen Product Manager but I can't repro an issue there, nor anywhere else in XenForo in any version of Chrome (Windows or macOS) dating back to Chrome 56 which the SO question mentions related to data-cacheoverlay="false".

I feel like this would be a fairly well-reported issue if it was widespread and had existed for over a year. There are a few overlays in XF1 which decache overlays, one of them being the "Watch / Unwatch Thread" link when viewing threads. Can you reproduce the issue in all overlays?

Can anyone else reproduce this issue anywhere?
I think it is related to the use of a Disabler when a 'confirm agreement' checkbox in XPM in addition to the caching bits

I feel this is a weird corner case, but the closest thing would customer area licence download. Which doesn't have the Disabler usage or the explicit cache overlay bits
Quite a bit of time has passed, and after another 5-10 minutes of testing or so I still cannot reproduce this.


At this point, I'm going to have to assume there are some other factors or it has since been resolved. Furthermore given that it may not have been directly reproducible in the software as-is, and it seems to be a very edge case, I don't think we need to spend much time on this.
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